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jUmBlE rUn ReSuLtS
Congratulations to everyone who participated in the 83rd annual Jumble Run. Thanks to all the volunteers for setting up, directing traffic, serving water, working registration, picking up the signs. Thanks to Pat for working the BBQ and Adelle for the Pies!

And now, here are your results...

"IT" Girls
Dana McLean, Jessica Galt, Brenda Saaltink
Predicted 58:30, Actual 58:19, Difference -0:11

Laura Barnes, Wendy Pilon, Sandra Contant
57:00, 57:15, +0:15

The Good Luckers
Denise Varin, Sharon McCullough, Rick Croney
63:30, 63:03, -0:27

The Heat Strokers
Wendy Henry, Chris Nurse, Nicole Bouvier
51:20, 50:44, -0:36

Freedom 55
John Warner, Mike Perras, Donna Magher
55:55, 55:17, -0:38

Jessica's Tattoos
Scott Galt, Susan Kersely, Sheila Lafave
54:00, 54:41, +0:41

Suite 212
Michele Wright, Pat Clarke, Lise Irwin
46:12, 47:06, +0:54

Andrew's Warriors
Liam Chaussi, Andrew Barnes, Craig Henry
47:45, 48:55, +1:10

The Loonies
Anne-Marie Phoenix, Yvonne Commodore, Lenny Van Loon
49:10, 47:39, -1:31

The Jack Rabbits
Diane Ledoux, Mimi Contant, Josee Gagne
55:00, 56:39, +1:39

Royal Rockets
Adelle Densham, Rik Saaltink, Shannon Timbrell
51:15, 53:15, +2:00

Steam Heat
Kathleen Hay, Chris Belair, Erin Densham
58:00, 55:16, -2:44

One Old, Two Fast
Steph Contant, Terry Lauzon, Mathias Croney
38:00, 40:49, +2:49

A "TAD" Fast
Dan Contant, Amanda Nurse, Tracey Chaussi
50:13, 53:03, +2:50

Steady as We Go
Olivia Densham, Guylaine Barnes, Wendell Lafave
53:30, 56:22, +2:52

Sharon Miller, Liz Nurse, Julia Esposito
47:30, 51:24, +3:54

Pink Socks
Janet Innouye, Mackenzie Wright, Lexie Wright
67:30, 72:10, +4:40

Snap, Crackle, Pop
Tylor Boileau, Guylaine Villeneuve, Jen Suggars
40:41, 47:25, +6:44

Shona Leatham, Ceri Timbrell, Pete Chaussi
52:00, 58:54, +6:54
Special thanks to the organizers of this event as well as to Pat Clarke for cooking up those burgers!

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