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Ottawa Race Weekend Results
They're all posted in the Member's section (check your last newsletter if you need the username/password).

Let me know if I've made any mistakes!

Congratulations Everyone!!!
Congratulations to everyone that ran this weekend! I saw several of you as you went through the Team Diabetes water station in the 5 & 10K last night.
A huge congratulations to Allan Savage. One year removed from Learn To Run Allan (70) qualified for the Boston Marathon by over 10 minutes in his very first attempt.

Congrats Allan.
Way to go, Allan. You are an amazing athlete! Hope you write a race report!
Congrats to all multisport members who competed this weekend. A huge high -5 to Allan for qualifying. You are an inspiration to everyone!
There was also a K Wilson in the 2k race. That was me! (12:33) I crossed holding my son's hand and he beat me by 30 seconds!!!!!!!

Excellent job everyone!!!!!
Kathi, you are going to get so cleaned by your son next year in the 5k! Go Ewan go!!
John, I cling to being able to beat him for a wee while. I will be proud when he leaves me in the dust.... I'll have my husband to beat for a while! =)

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