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group runs
As a new member I am unsure if I need to bring any validation of being part of the CMC? For that matter is it open to the public?
Hi Mark,
First, thank you for joining! When you participate in club events, i.e. Victoria Day Chase, Super-Sprint Tri, etc. we already have your name in our files, so there is no need for validation. If you have friends who wish to participate in organized club events, they will need to pay $10 to participate. For participation in Monday night duathlon training or open-water swims, you need to be a club member for insurance purposes; however, if others you know just want to come out for a general group that's posted on Facebook or wherever, by all means, have them come along. FYI, if you haven't already done so, please join our FB group to keep up to date. All you need to do is enter "Cornwall Multisport Club" in the search bar, then request membership. Presto! Hope this helps :-)

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