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CMC Jumble Run Results 2016
Date: July 5, 2016
Members -- Team Name -- Predicted -- Actual -- Delta
Maxine Galt -- Hot Stuff -- 0:56:00 -- 0:55:08 -- 0:52
Melanie Tessier -- Hot Stuff -- 0:56:00 -- 0:55:08 -- 0:52
Tracey Chaussi -- Hot Stuff -- 0:56:00 -- 0:55:08 -- 0:52
Sebastian Warner -- TRI (tri again) -- 0:47:57 -- 0:47:05 -- 0:52
Michael Perras -- TRI (tri again) -- 0:47:57 -- 0:47:05 -- 0:52
Donna Mohammed -- TRI (tri again) -- 0:47:57 -- 0:47:05 -- 0:52
Pat Clarke -- The Hipsters -- 0:59:45 -- 1:00:42 -- 0:57
Rachel Poirier -- The Hipsters -- 0:59:45 -- 1:00:42 -- 0:57
Guylaine Barnes -- The Hipsters -- 0:59:45 -- 1:00:42 -- 0:57
Phil Barnes -- The Pie Eaters -- 0:46:00 -- 0:48:05 -- 2:05
Jessica Demerchant -- The Pie Eaters -- 0:46:00 -- 0:48:05 -- 2:05
Rob Allen -- The Pie Eaters -- 0:46:00 -- 0:48:05 -- 2:05
Dana McLean -- DDR -- 0:55:10 -- 0:52:14 -- 2:56
Robbie Duval -- DDR -- 0:55:10 -- 0:52:14 -- 2:56
Dan Contant -- DDR -- 0:55:10 -- 0:52:14 -- 2:56
Jean-Luc Leonard -- PMS - The Perpetual Motion Squad -- 0:49:20 -- 0:46:10 -- 3:10
Kathleen Hay -- PMS - The Perpetual Motion Squad -- 0:49:20 -- 0:46:10 -- 3:10
Tom D -- PMS - The Perpetual Motion Squad -- 0:49:20 -- 0:46:10 -- 3:10
Laura Barnes -- The Wolverines -- 0:52:00 -- 0:55:35 -- 3:35
Ian Sim -- The Wolverines -- 0:52:00 -- 0:55:35 -- 3:35
Elizabeth Nurse -- The Wolverines -- 0:52:00 -- 0:55:35 -- 3:35
Ian Callan -- The Flash CMC -- 0:59:40 -- 0:55:30 -- 4:10
Rachelle Doth -- The Flash CMC -- 0:59:40 -- 0:55:30 -- 4:10
Landon Galt -- The Flash CMC -- 0:59:40 -- 0:55:30 -- 4:10
Sheila Lafave -- Deer Flies -- 0:58:00 -- 0:55:35 -- 4:25
Sandra Contant -- Deer Flies -- 0:58:00 -- 0:55:35 -- 4:25
Rafeek Mohammed -- Deer Flies -- 0:58:00 -- 0:55:35 -- 4:25
Dawn Kiddell -- The Predictors -- 1:03:00 -- 0:58:23 -- 4:37
Stephen Last -- The Predictors -- 1:03:00 -- 0:58:23 -- 4:37
Eric Mckinnon -- The Predictors -- 1:03:00 -- 0:58:23 -- 4:37
Shirley Beaudoin -- Oh My God -- 0:58:00 -- 0:53:20 -- 4:40
Dale Witty -- Oh My God -- 0:58:00 -- 0:53:20 -- 4:40
Christian Belair -- Oh My God -- 0:58:00 -- 0:53:20 -- 4:40
John Warner -- The Winning Time -- 1:00:06 -- 0:53:31 -- 6:35
Wendell Lafave -- The Winning Time -- 1:00:06 -- 0:53:31 -- 6:35
Scott Galt -- The Winning Time -- 1:00:06 -- 0:53:31 -- 6:35

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