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May Long Weekend Training
Victoria Day 12 Stage Challenge
May 20th- 23rd, 2016 Long Du Training Weekend

The challenge is a training weekend to get ready for the upcoming summer racing season. The stages are not intended to be races, just a challenge to try and get in a weekend of endurance training. The ride stages can be done in group rides depending on pace. Depending on the number of participants we may have pace suggested riding groups. These pace groups may be: 20-25km/hr, 25-30km/hr, 30-35km/hr and 35km+. Please indicate what group you would like to ride and if you would like to be a group leader for any of the stages please indicate when signing up. We will be using our own personal vehicles to secure our personal equipment when we are out running. Please bring enough nutrition and clothing to complete the stage.

Friday May 20, 2016-Night at 5:00pm meet at the Dog Park in Riverdale.
Stage 1: Run 5k on Bike path heading north. (Out and back)
Stage 2: Bike 34k towards St. Andrews via power dam drive.
Stage 3: Run 5k on bike path towards Seaway Bridge. (Out and back)

Saturday May 21, 2016-Nav-Canada at 7:00am
Stage 4: Swim/Run: Choice Swim Masters 2000m or run 5K Easy (Out and back on Bike path).
Stage 5 Bike: 100km(ish) loop
Stage 6: Run: 10k Route (Out and back on bike path)

Sunday May 22, 2016- St. Lawrence College at 7:30am
Stage 7: Run: 5k- east towards Nav Canada (Out and back)
Stage 8: Bike: 56k bike towards Williamstown via Summerstown Road
Stage 9: Run: 20k- The run will be start at the college and follow the MS run course.

Monday May 23, 2016- Grey’s Creek at 7am
Stage 10: Ride: 40km- Lancaster Out/Back
Stage 11: Run: Victoria Day Chase -5km
Stage 12: St Andrews Monday Night Du- Run 2km, Ride 15km, Run 4km

Swim Total 2000m
Bike Total 245km
Run Total 61km (56km if you swam on Saturday)

Please indicate if you plan on attending and remember you don’t have to do all of the stages just show up and do what you can.

Terry Lauzon
I got tired just reading this message.

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