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Frozen Sole #5 Results
Twenty-nine brave runners tested their race legs at today's 5th Frozen Sole of the season.

First, our thanks! Thank you to the Cornwall Multisport Club for donating the coffee. That post-race warm-up was needed. Thanks you to the baker who provided the cookies. If someone could let us know who that was, we'd like to acknowledge them. (They may have saved a marriage.) Also, we want to make sure to return the Tupperware, so that you can refill it for next month's race ;)

Also, thank you to Rob Allen with the Cornwall Triathlon for providing the water bottles as race prizes. Unfortunately, we didn't hold the draw until after we finished up our follow-up run. We would like to announce the winners: Ian Callan, Ian Sim and Peter Moody. We will have the bottles on hand during our next race, but if you would like to start using them now, send us a message and we'll get them to you.

Here are your results:
Dale Witty - 32:10
Rob Lefebvre - 32:40
Ian Callan - 35:05
Chris "Wardrobe Malfunction" Belair - 35:53
Terry Lauzon - 36:14
Jean Luc Leonard - 36:20
Rob Allen - 36:45
Jen Suggars - 36:57
Phil Barnes - 36:59
Liz Nurse - 38:34
Andree Anne Richer - 38:40
Pierre Alexandre Nadeau - 38:40
Sam Rouleau - 39:00
Guylaine Barnes - 41:15
Rafeek Mohammad - 41:15
Peter Moody - 41:30
Kathy Stajkowski - 43:46
Sue Duval - 43:53
Dawn Kiddell - 49:42
Robbie Duval - 49:42
Stephanie Chapman - 49:42
Kathleen Hay - 52:11
Steve O'Neil - 53:42
Craig Henry - 53:42
Susan Kersley - 1:03:38
Ian Sim - 1:03:38
*Monique Branchard - 39:02 for 5K
Wendy Henry - NT
Bill Lister - NT

Thanks again to all of our sponsors and for those who braved the cold to participate.

The next Frozen Sole is on Sunday, February 28th at 9:00 am. Again, since some runners are marathon training, we will run before and after the race. If you are interested in running longer, stay tuned for more details.

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