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Winter spinning

The winter season is fast approaching, but that doesn't mean you should get out of shape.
Don't let all the hard work you did this past summer waste away. Remember, consistency
is the best way to increase gains over the years. I'm 52 years old now and still manage to
pull off Personal Bests in my latest race season.

These aerobic and anaerobic workouts will help us to burn fat, get strong, gain confidence and
help crush more P.B.s.

Come join me at Bicycle World Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, starting Tuesday, Oct.20 at 5:15 for
fun and challenging workouts to keep you focused and ready for your next race.

As a side note, you can't beat the price. $75 for 6 months of sweating, laughing and even a little suffering.
OK, lots of suffering ;)

E-mail me to reserve your spot.
Thanks, Dan.

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