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IM Mont Tremblant 70.3
Sandra and I registered for this event. June 2016
If enough people register, we could do this as a team event. Participants register as individuals and you indicate on the registration page that you are a member of the Cornwall Multisport Club. There is a competition between various tri clubs....

Come on, you know you want to do it!!!! This race sells out very quickly, so do not think about it for too long.
Thanks for the effort Dan....that woudl have been a great idea....I still remember the large CMC group at tremblant 70.3 a few years back, lots of it too early to sign up for the 2017 70.3 tremblant?
And few of us are going to do the sprint/5150 on the Saturday, and volunteer on sunday. We have a chalet booked that could accommodate a few more people. Message me if you are interested.

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